Do What Matters

Lake Friendly Practices reduce excess nutrients and other contaminants from entering our waterways. These actions and projects will help recover nutrients at the shoreline and on the land and help restore the health of lakes.
Saving Lake Winnipeg is a huge challenge. It will take time and commitment by many to achieve. But we must take action now.
Small Actions = Big Impact

Our everyday actions impact the health of our fresh water. We can all make changes.
Some simple Lake Friendly Practices:
Don’t be wasteful with water​​
Purchase goods made by manufacturers that have taken steps to reduce their impacts on the environment and minimize pollution to our waterways
Promote and support Lake Friendly actions

At Home
What goes down the drain in our cities and towns can end up in our rivers and lakes.
Some simple Lake Friendly Practices:
Don't dispose of pharmaceuticals, food, or chemicals down the drain
Compost vegetable waste, yard waste, and lawn clippings
Choose to grow plants that require low amounts of water and nutrients​

At The Cottage
Going to the cottage is your time to get away and connect with yourself and nature.
Some simple Lake Friendly Practices:
Consider replacing your standard toilet with a composting toilet
Don’t discharge black or grey water overboard when boating
Make sure only rain and snowmelt drains to waterways

On The Farm
Farmers need water for many things, such as to grow crops and provide their animals with clean water to drink.
Some simple Lake Friendly Practices:​
Carry out nutrient management planning on an annual basis
Provide off-stream watering for livestock
Explore opportunities to store and re-use runoff and drainage water

For Schools
Young people can influence friends, families, and communities. Schools and school boards can set an example.
Some simple Lake Friendly Practices:​
Link curriculums to Lake Friendly resources
Buy paper and wood products that come from responsibly managed forests, such as Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certified products

For Businesses
Businesses can make changes that inspire their employees to do the same.
Some simple Lake Friendly Practices:​
Buy cleaning products that are environmentally certified
Create sustainable policies for employees to follow
Hire landscape and maintenance services that minimize impacts to waterways

For Governments
Local governments can be good stewards and examples for their community members and communities across the province.
Some simple Lake Friendly Practices:​
Remove vegetation only when it blocks the flow of water or excess sediments have gathered
Create a road maintenance plan that reduces the impacts on all waterways
Don't apply dust control products during rain