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Actions for Everywhere

Glasses of Water on Wood Table

Treat water as if we had to drink it​

Don’t be wasteful with water


  • Never put used oil or other chemicals down storm drains or drainage ditches. Bring chemicals to a hazardous waste management depot for proper disposal.


  • Reduce nutrients (fertilizers, etc.) and other harmful substances from entering the drain

Recycled Cardboard in Bundles

Use your consumer power for good​

Buy products made by companies taking steps to reduce their impacts on the environment and minimize pollution to our lakes, rivers, and streams. 


Look for:



  • Certified electronic equipment. ​​EPEAT approved computers are made using less hazardous materials like lead and mercury​


Support businesses that sponsor and promote Lake Friendly's mission.

Writing by the Water

Speak your mind. Get involved.

Promote and support Lake Friendly actions and events.


  • Get community groups involved.


  • Support initiatives that help protect our waterways.


  • Spread the word about ways in which we can all help protect our waterways.


  • Let your elected representatives and local officials know that you support and encourage policies and processes that protect our waterways.


  • Take part in municipal planning meetings to make sure developers and planners consider alternatives to drainage and conventional ways to manage runoff.


  • Support proposals that contain adequate consideration and design detail to collect, convey, manage and treat overland runoff and drainage.

Treat water as if we had to drink it
Use your consumer power for good
Speak your mind. Get involved.
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